29 October 2022

Gioca a liberare l’arte al MUSEC

Unlock Art at MUSEC

"Unlock Art" is an interactive game for families and children that the MUSEC offers included in the cost of the entrance ticket, from Saturday 29 October 2022 until 8 January 2023. The project is the result of a collaboration with Museo in erba and the Departments di tecnologie innovative e formazione e apprendimento della Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI).

Armed with tablets, players will have to solve a series of puzzles and questions scattered throughout the rooms of the exhibition "Japan. Arts and Life. The Montgomery Collection" in order to free our collector from a powerful spell.

Logic, curiosity and observation skills are the players' allies in this adventure.

For more information: info@musec.ch; +41(0) 58 866 69 60