

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board (AB) has an advisory and guiding function on the research activities of the Museo delle Culture (MUSEC), whose methodological approach and outcomes it ensures, and supports its dissemination at the international level.

The AB also
- discusses, guarantees and supports the multi-year work plans prepared under the responsibility of the Museum's Management;
- identifies and promotes activities aimed at the support and development of the Museum, in all the venues it deems appropriate;
- participates in the eventual evaluation of works judged suitable for publication in the Museum's series, in print and on-line;
- may be involved by the Museum's Management, in whole or in part, in the composition of ad hoc scientific commissions.

The AB consists of a maximum of nine members who elect the chairman from among their number by a simple majority.
The AB normally meets twice a year in Lugano and is composed of recognised experts in the cultural sciences and art.
The term of office of members of the AB is five years and can be renewed from year to year.
The AB unanimously co-opts new members to replace resigning or deceased AB members. In extraordinary cases, the members of the Committee may be appointed by the Municipality of Lugano upon proposal of the Director of the Museum.
The Director of the Museum and the Head of Development and Communication of the Museum, who acts as secretary, are members of the Scientific Committee by right.

They are currently members of the MUSEC Advisory Board:

Marco Biscione (Chairman), former director of Mao Torino and;

Francesco Paolo Campione, director of MUSEC and professor of cultural anthropology at Università degli Studi dell'Insubria di Como;

Roberta Colombo Dougoud, curator of the Musée d'Ethnographie in Geneva;

Katharina Epprecht, director of Museum von Allerheiligen Schaffausen, expert in Japanese Art;

Mareile Flitsch, director of;

Renzo Freschi, gallery owner and oriental art expert;

Christian Kaufmann, former curator of  Oceanian Departement of the Museum der Kulturen in Basel and Chairman of the Pacific Art Association; 

Philippe Peltier, former Chief Curator of the Musée du quai Branly in Paris, expert in Primitivism;

Tiziana Serena, professor of history of photography at the University of Florence.

The secretary of the Advisory Board is Adriana Mazza, Head of Devolopment and Communication. Tel. +41 (0)58 866 69 58, [email protected].