

Bibliography of all the publications of the Museum

The Museo delle Culture regularly publishes interesting catalogues which present our various collections.

The Collections' catalogues


“Altrarti” presents the results of our museum's research projects on ethnic artworks. These projects study an artwork from many different angles in order to explain the complexity of its various meanings and values.



La collana Dèibambini nasce col proposito di raccontare le esperienze che i bambini e i ragazzi svolgono al MUSEC. Un racconto che è testimonianza degli esiti della creatività, e che intende -al contempo- mettere a disposizione degli operatori pedagogici strumenti e riflessioni sulla didattica della museografia antropologica. Dèibambini, dunque, per richiamare l'idea d'un accostamento emozionale alla narrazione delle culture e dei loro miti, ma anche "dei bambini" nella convinzione profonda dell'utilità e del valore di un'appropriazione libera e autonoma degli spazi della fantasia.



“Esovisioni” presents the museum's research on exoticism in the work of the most important photographers of the twentieth century. Each volume contains 30 to 40 pictures, which have been developped directly from negatives conserved in the most important European and American archives. The aim of each catalogue is to enhance the aesthetic and narrative language of the author, and to highlight the anthropological and historical specificities related to his or her artistic work.


"Antropunti” is a multi-purpose series, which presents the projects and results of various kinds of artistic and anthropological research. The series includes different cultural products such as texts, images, books, audiovisual and multimedia materials, and it is divided into five different sections. The “Atti” (Proceedings) present the results of seminars and higher education activities. The “Documenti” (Documents) present the research projects and their outcome, conservation and restoration activities, educational activities and communication strategies. The “Guide” (Guides) suggest guided tours and provide scientific information on the museum collections and relevant issues. “Parole e suoni” (Words and Sounds) include stories, myths, songs, poems and other narrative expressions of traditional popular culture. “Strumenti” (Tools) are educational publications which present the contents and the technical and operational tools of the museum activities.



"Orient Art" offers a reflection on the relationship between contemporary art and non-western cultures. 


Le attività di un moderno museo di antropologia e arte richiedono inevitabilmente che ci sia a disposizione un contenitore agile in cui fornire al pubblico una prima guida. Ricerche, esposizioni temporanee e presentazioni di ogni altro genere di attività si giovano, grazie alla collana di opuscoli Minimalia, di testi chiari e succinti, disponibili gratuitamente sul sito web oppure acquistabili a stampa al bookshop del museo per pochi franchi.

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