The Museum


After his early training in the arts, he graduated in Philosophy at the University of Milan. He then graduated in Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Milan-Bicocca with a research on the organisational, managerial and pedagogical dimensions of museum educational services. At the same university, he specialised with a postgraduate course in Museum and Art Anthropology. From 2012 to 2022 he worked at Fondazione PInAC, the Pinacoteca Internazionale dell'età evolutiva A. Cibaldi in Rezzato (Italy), dealing with the coordination and supervision of museum educational services, design, research and curatorship of numerous exhibition projects and publications in the field of children's artistic expression.
Among his favourite works in the MUSEC collections is the wooden sculpture from north-east India depicting two Nāga ancestors. He is moved by the simplicity and sobriety of the forms and the delicate gesture of contact that denotes the intimate bond between the two people.